Project description
Due to the increase in climate change over the last two decades, the situation calls for the conservation and utilization of effective energy. In the past years, it is seen that buildings are considered to be one of the greatest energy consumers, consuming about 40% of all energy consumed in the United States. As buildings use this energy to maintain your comfort needs, as buildings are mainly used sometimes as a housing facility, a caring facility for the elderly and the sick, a schooling facility for the future generations or as a location of business. In order to conserve the energy consumption in the building, the first step is to monitor the energy in building and make changes based on that monitored data. The monitored data we have decided to monitor were temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2), light and activity level in the form of beats per minute (BPM). Energy monitored through a wearable device, can make changes to the thermostat of the room in order to conserve energy. Therefore for our project we need to build a graphical user interface (GUI) to conserve the energy by as mentioned above, monitoring the five variables stated above and testing the GUI for different conditions.
Key highlights of Final Product (what was accomplished)
1-Sensing and logging of the five needed variables (temperature, humidity, CO2, light and BPM)
2-Machine learning comfort analysis of each of the five variables.
3-Calculating the comfort of the room in real time in a closed loop using the machine learning index output of each of the five variables.
4-Calculating the energy efficiency of the room in real time in a closed loop.
5-Concluding to the user the final discussion on whether the room is comfortable or not and energy efficient or not. And giving users constant updates on the output of every system, in the web page generated by the device.
List of Hardware
The nodemcu-32s ESP32, the BME60, the CCS811, the BH1750, the Pulse sensor, the LiquidCrysial LCD screen
design decisions
We have used the microcontroller for this project primarily due to the fact that it is low powered, small. The implementation of the Pulse sensor was chosen over the other sensor models like the AD8232 due to the fact that its easy to be used. Additionally we used the Bme680 to sense both the tempurature and humidity to save energy.
list of milestones
-DR3 Presentation
-DR3 documentation
-DR4 Presentation
-DR4 documentation
Previous Documented versions of prototypes

Energy Conservers:-
Our project has four main aspects to it,
1- the data logging of current environmental conditions (developed by Mohammad Altarfa "Momo")
2- The room comfort calculating aspect of the project (developed by Mohammad Altarfa "Momo")
3- the energy effiency aspect of the project (developed by Raymond Holgate)
4 - the GUI of this project which is an mobile application (developed by Mohammad Alzaher)
Image of the testing and running of the Final product

Problems encountered
we had issues with working with the BME280 for previous prototypes.